Monday, September 7, 2009

LABOR day weekend.

Our labor day weekend was a nice mix of fun/labor. That was nice.

When we moved into this house about 1.5 years ago, there were 2 things that needed to be done ASAP. Move the washing machine out of the kitchen and into the garage, and paint this place. Well the washing machine was moved ASAP, right into the garage where I wanted it. YAY. Months go by and everything is hunky dory. Until winter comes. Long story short, the washing machine pipes froze. And burst. And almost ruined my brand new washing machine. After several months of going to the laundry mat, Ryan was finally able to fix it, and it has run (loudly, but runs) since. Well with winter coming up again and not wanting to spend all winter at the laundry mat, Ryan, with help from his Dad who came down from Iowa, built a laundry room in the garage!! No worries this year. Thats how Friday, Saturday and Sunday were spent. I am so grateful, they were able to do it, I can't imagine how much we would have had to pay for something like that! I don't think there any accidents out of it either! Way to go guys!

(after, it is not finished, obvi. It needs some putty and paint, but will hold the heat! And see that door, it is 36" wide. My laundry basket and I will have no problems fitting in, no squeezing in sideways or tilting baskets!)

To thank them I made a HUGE Sunday dinner: pot roast with carrots/potatoes/onions, fresh snapped green beans, fried apples and yeast rolls. For dessert a green tomato pie. Recipe found here. It was ok, nothing that I could eat over and over, but Ryan sure loved it!

Today we needed to get out of here. We headed to Topeka. No big plans, just wanted to get out of this house! We had a nice lunch at Red Lobster, then went to Ward Meade Park, and I got some good pictures of the girls (which I still need to edit) and then went to watch Land of the Lost at the $2 theater. Land of the Lost was ok, should have probably waited to see it on video, on my couch, but I couldn't resist, I love Will Ferrell. There was one part (the mosquito) that I literally laughed my butt off, laughed so hard I was in tears and think I even snorted in the theatre :o) Tonight we are laying around, watching State of Play, and while at the park the had an olde fashioned soda shoppe (I love spelling olde tyme-e) the shop was advertising a caramel apple shake! oh yum. I have left over fried apples. and vanilla bean ice cream. hersheys caramel sauce. milk. and a blender. it. is. on. I'll let you know how it comes out.
Hope you all had an awesome Labor Day!

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